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The Bold Divine - Caroline Tiss 7/28/2022

The Bold Divine by Caroline Tiss - A message for the Old Gods.
Aren’t we the lovers Aren’t we made of stars and kingdoms from forever ago Don’t you know, I will never leave your side Not until the sky falls in on my spine I am committed now, To the truth being flamed across the sky Like brilliant northern lights, I’ve never been loved like you’ve loved me You raised me You trained me for greatness, When I was lost I won’t let all my fighting go down in vein, I know what I believe and you are the pinnacle of my mission And if it’s going down I am going down with it No one could hold me back By body bleeds with the earth and its memory I will raise the black flag You are part of me I am a part of you, The enlightened will always have enemies you told me, And it is true, But we have something that they don’t that is Justified Strength. I’m with you For the ride or die. And I will fight for our love, no matter what. You have every reason, to be angry You have reasons the same as mine. You have spent so many years fighting, and justifiably But I see so much art in you It is the place where great masterpieces come from, Is experiences like mine and yours. It would kill me to never see them painted, all of these skylines and pinnacles of something so beautiful. I will never forget them. No matter what happens. I will never forget you. If this buildings burning I will stay in the fire. You know I’m crazy when I’m in love, and I have never been more passionate or in love with anything or anyone. Have you seen the way we soar, when we come together. Those nights we lit up the sky to a stadium. Tears fell from my eyes Never in a thousand lives. Have I seen love as pure as this. You mean everything. Absolutely everything. To me. All of these words are spoken with integrity, I have never felt anything more fervently.


"To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom." - Socrates